Friday, January 11, 2013

Labor Unions

As smoke stacks rose and silos died, the ne Industrial revolution was changing America. Although, the standard of living had rose sharply , and well fed american workers enjoyed more physical comforts, the hard working men and women of America strived for more.

National Labor Union

Organized in 1866 as one of the first national-scale unions. They aimed to unify workers across locales and trades challenge their bosses. The NLU included skilled, unskilled, and farmers in is 600,000 members. the National Labor Union agitates the arbitration of industrial disputes anf the eight-hour workday. The depression of the 1870's knocked back labor including wage reductions which touched off strikes on the railroads.

Knights of Labor

A new organization that picked up where the National Labor Union left off. Began as a secret society, with private rituals, passwords, and handshakes in 1869. The Knights included skilled and unskilled workers but barred liquor dealers, proffesional gamblers, lawyers, bankers, and stockbrokers. Known infamously for the bombing at Haymarket Square. As Chicago police advanced on a protest against alleged brutalities by the aouthorities, a dynamite bomb was thrown killing and injuring many. Forever known as anarchists.

American Federation of Labor

The American Federation of Labor was founded in 1886 and was led by Samuel Gompers. The federation consisted of an association of self-governing national unions, each of which kept its own independence. It sought for better wages, hours, and working conditions. The federation's main weapons were the walkout and the boycott. The greatest weakness of organized labor was that it still embraced only a small minority of all working people.


The use of unions is still strong today. The activity of includes collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and working conditions. The two major unions in America are the AFL-CIO and the Change to Win Federation. These unions are much like the labor unions in the past by lobbying for its people and the tactics of stikes and protests.

The main weapon used by labor unions are strikes and protests. This was much like the Boston Tea Party. The Sons of Liberty in the British coloney of Massachusetts dumped the tea imports from the East India company in the Boston Harbor. This was a huge protest against British authority. This protest was sparked by the idea of "No taxation without representation"

Essential Question

What responsibility does the government or the "wealthy" have to care for the poor?

The government and the wealthy have little to none responsibility for the poor. The use of labor unions is a good example of a legal and responsible way for the poor to come together and fight for themselves.


The use of labor unions was a succesful way for the "poor" to gain in society and the economy. The AFL using protests, stikes, and boycotts succeeded in gaining rights for the members of its union and better working conditions, wages, and hours for the workers in america.

What if the labor unions had not succeeded in gaining better wages, hours, and working conditions for its members? How would the industrial workers of today be affected?



  1. Nicely Done! This helps understand all the unions that occurred during this time period. I agree with you statement to the essential question. I feel like this was the way for the poor to make their voice be heard and fight for themselves.

  2. Your blog is good the unions were some what needed back then but not now. They did help get batter pay. Brought on women's right. Help bring better working conditions.

  3. Nice job speaker of the Republican party! You did a fantastic job giving a brief description about each major labor union and answering the essential question.

  4. Good job Brockway this is a very helpful blog because you went in depth with the specific labor unions.

  5. Nice blog! This is very useful because you go in depth about the different labor unions. I believe without the better wages, hours, and working conditions our country would be a lot more like china in a sense of having large factory's filled with cheep laborers.

  6. Your blog was really good! Similar to what Blake had said that if we did not have these unions then we would be a lot like other countries with large factory jobs, with cheap labor, bad conditions, and long hours. It is good the people stood strong and fought for their rights!

  7. I agree with your friends above, excellent blog. Your detail and evaluation of the topic is very indepth and extremely useful to the reader as they prepare for their exam!

    Mr. Curtis

  8. This is a great source to use when studying which labor unions did what.You had clear and concise info and good previous connections!

  9. What a great blog we've got here. You did a great job explaining labor unions and which ones did what, and it was easy to comprehend.

  10. This was a great example of an effective blog. Your overviews of all major unions created something i would actually use as a study tool. Great job!
